The ECI is meeting the Pope
Papal blessing for the bees

"Saving Bees and Farmers" is the title of an ambitious initiative collecting signatures across Europe to make EU agriculture more bee-friendly. The three main goals are:
- phasing out synthetic pesticides (80% reduction by 2030 and by 2035 the EU should be completely pesticide-free)
- measures to increase biodiversity
- support for farmers to convert to organic farming and for research in this field
The initiative already has broad support. Whether church representatives, politicians of various colours, associations and clubs or people from the civilian population, they all have a common goal: "The preservation of creation for our descendants".
Annemarie Gluderer is the official Italian representative of the initiative. The organic farmer from Val Venosta knows the problems of pesticide drift from her own painful experience. As a mother and grandmother several times over, she is aware that her generation and those before have done great damage to creation. For her, it is therefore a top priority to repair this damage as far as possible, so that her grandchildren's grandchildren can still live well and happily on our planet.
Now the initiative is even receiving the blessing of "the very top": representatives of the petition will have an audience with the Pope on September 8th to promote the cause and to pray for it together.
Because as Pope Francis himself says, all creatures are interconnected, and therefore "each one must be appreciated with love and admiration, and we are all dependent on one another. For this reason, the supporters of the initiative are sure that this papal blessing will have the strength to take the petition to Brussels and the European Commission in a final push.
The trip to Rome already begins on 30 August and will stop in many different Italian cities and towns to promote the common cause and to meet with associations and institutions. They will have the opportunity to give a personal message to the Pope, which Annemarie Gluderer will present to him in Rome.
For bees, for farmers, for all people.
Download this press release (PDF document, 67.2 KB)