All of us from the European Citizens' Initiative, are happy to present the new animation videos we have produced to explain why this ECI is necessary and why it is so important to sign it and share.
New animation videos released today!

The current agricultural system is broken. Faced with weather extremes, plummeting insect populations and unfair prices for farmers, a transition to a fair, sustainable and bee-friendly agriculture is urgently needed!
Leading scientists of the United Nations raised the alarm years ago: the loss of biodiversity is threatening the global food supply. They call for a change of system in order to prevent the global collapse of biodiversity.
Our new video starts right here and will give a short summary of why it is so important to support our ECI now and not to leave the transformation to future generations.
You can watch it on the ECI Youtube channel.
We invite every EU citizen to sign the ECI, watch these videos, embed them on web pages, share them through social media, and any other digital mean.
Help bring about this transition by supporting our Europen Citizens' Initiative "Save Bees and Farmers!" with your signature - we need at least one million to convince the EU to act, add yours today!